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Methods for the alignment and merging of partially or inexactly aligned data.


This is a splat packed in-development package.

Package functions:

Two object (x, y, ...) alignment: n_align, cor_align, cow_align.

One object (x, ...) modification: regularize, warp.


Carslaw, D.C., Ropkins, K., Laxen, D., Moorcroft, S., Marner, B. and Williams, M.L., 2008. Near-field commercial aircraft contribution to nitrogen oxides by engine, aircraft type, and airline by individual plume sampling. Environmental science & technology, 42(6), pp.1871-1876. doi:10.1021/es071926a .

Ropkins, K., Carlsaw, D.C., Goodman, P.S. and Tate, J.E., 2009. Application of non-linear time-alignment and integration methods to environmental time series. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 28(3), pp.373-391. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2008.11.013 .