align version 0.0
Package releases
v.0.0.6 [2022-07-16] added cheat sheet to website.
v 0.0.5 [2022-06-30] package docs and website update.
v 0.0.4 [2022-06-30] added provisional website.
v 0.0.3 [2021-06-25] various small document tidies and test update
v 0.0.2 [2022-05-16] restructured object class
v 0.0.1 [2020-04-13] Package update and tidy; readme to rmd; updated license; added code of conduct and contributor guidance…
v 0.0.0n [2019-06-26] package functions taken from R::pems.utils; COW functions from Daniel added, standardized and default object class added.