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Functions to build vehicle, fleet and route objects for use in embrs emission models.


# S3 method for embrs
+(e1, e2, ...)

# S3 method for embrs
*(e1, e2, ...)

# S3 method for embrs
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for embrs
plot(x, plot.type = "by.em", em.type = "all", ...)

# S3 method for embrs_vehicle
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for embrs_route
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for embrs_model
print(x, ...)


e1, e2

The objects to add or multiple when building an emission inventory


Additional arguments, sometimes ignored.


The object to print, plot, etc.


(for plot only, character) the type of plot to generate, options: 'by.em' standard plot; 'by.vehicle'. See Note. NULL to disable/show all emissions types calculated.


(for plot only, character) the emissions to generate plot for, options: 'all' for all emissions types, or '' for just particulates. See Note.


These functions make vehicle and fleet class embrs objects.


These functions are in development, so please be aware that options outputs may change significantly. plot.type = 'by.vehicle' and em.type = '' produces plots like those used in Tivey el al (2023) to compare particulate emissions from different buses types.


Tivey, J., Davies, H.C., Levine, J.G., Zietsman, J., Bartington, S., Ibarra-Espinosa, S. and Ropkins, K, 2023. Meta-Analysis as Early Evidence on the Particulate Emissions Impact of EURO VI on Battery Electric Bus Fleet Transitions. Sustainability 15, 1522.